Crystal Reading (& Healing)

i have learned the unique crystal reading method of JaneAnn Dow, who laid the foundation of the crystal reading world in the U.S., under the tutelage of her most famous disciple, Naoko Fujinami.

Crystals are mirroring your inner-self.  

You may find yourself drawn to a stone that suddenly catches your eye.

The stones you encounter in this way seem to have a message to convey to you because they are the adjunctive to bring your unresolved agenda into your conscious level.

When you are struggling with something, when you feel confused somehow, or when you feel lost or bothered by something, why not try playing with the stones you have chosen, such as arranging them in a row or stacking them?

We will read together the messages that the stones you have chosen are trying to convey to you.

Afterwards, We will do a guided-visualization using the stones you have chosen, going deep into yourself to explore and listen to your inner voice. (*)

(*) The guided-visuaization aims to facilitate a healing work and is optional. Please indicate on the booking form if you would like to participate.

Price List

Reading(30 minutes)$50
Reading(45 minutes)$75
Reading + Healing (90 minutes)$150
Reading + Healing (120 minutes) $200
Overtime per 15 minutes$25
If the session runs longer than the scheduled slot, please make sure to allow plenty of time for your appointment so that it does not interfere with your following schedule.